Sunday, March 29, 2009
Annotated Bibliography
In the journal Geneva creates a Resolution known as the Student Right to Their Own Language (SRTOL) which talks about just what the titles says. Students having the opportunity to use their home language dialect in the academic course writings should be some that is allowed in all classrooms. Also, she said that all teachers should learn and know the background dialects of all ethnicity's. She want people to realize that all dialects are equal and Standard English is not have superiority over any kind. What this Composition of study doesn't represents any students cases being completed, but is talking about what should be done.
Nembhard, Judith. " Perspective on Teaching Black Dialect Speaking Students to Write Standard English." The Journal of Negro Education. 52.2 (1983): 75-82
In Nembard journal she talks about how she believes that having confidence within the students ability to become better writers is where the change begins. She suggest that teachers use the tasks and strategies that she have provided in her passage available to the students and to their knowledge. She believes that the responsibility of students becoming better writers in Standard English falls back on the teachers. She also believes if teachers grade fairly and stop being afraid to fail students when they are in the wrong doings of writings would make students become strong in writing. The errors should not be notified as "surface errors, but mistakes that should be corrected. This journal will be beneficial to me, because it talks about many things that will be difficult in teaching an African American student to become better in standard writing.
Canagarajah, A. Suresh. " The Place of World Englishes in Composition: Pluralization Continued." College Composition and Communications. 57.4 (2006): 586-617
This article talks about how AAVE can be the grammatical and rhetorical features that are being displayed in AAVE. Followed by this is the other things that he discusses that relates to AAVE being used in many ways "Another category of fairly unshocking AAVE use is in the stylistic choice of emotive, repetitive, and rhythmic expressions valued in oral communication". (605) He then makes an assumption about how it can be caused by the multilingual students are always denied in a second language. This piece of writing will help me construct my argument, because it has the information I need to talk about how AAVE has changed over the years and is not really recognized until this decade.
Palacas, Authur L. "Liberating American Ebonics from Euro-English." College English 63.3 (2001): 326-352
Palacas main focus in his journal his about Ebonics and this contains the grammatical patterns that it presents. He talks about if he believes that Ebonics is a dialect of English or if its considered a language from English. He also talks about how teaching language is very important but out of all the individuals who have took action of it Smitherman was the closest as it gets when developing the picture of Ebonics as a cultural phenomenon ( Palacas 350) Not only this smitherman understands everything about Ebonics and goes in depth with it.
Developing Work 3B
The Place of World Englishes in Compostition is one of the articles I am going to use to prove my argument in Paper three. In this Composition Canagarajah talks about how different "Englishes" are being used in many locations all over the world. Not only have it been used all over, but have been changing down the mainstreams. In the beginning of his passage he points out how there have been implications made of owning "English" itself in many countries.
There are many developments that challenge the privileged place of what have been called “native” varieties—i.e., what I call the Metropolitan Englishes(ME), spoken by the communities that traditionally claimed ownership over the language in England, the United States,Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. (Canagarajah 588)
Canagarajah then goes on talking about " Textual Possibilities" and supports this by using Smitherman and Bells' point of view of how they believe that students have the right to use their own dialect in academic writings. Not only do they think AAVE should be appropriated but they are not able to use "WE" in the writings. Smitherman is so confident about using AAVE in her writings because she is a scholarly in the academics and is acknowledge a professional occupation by standing up for the language rights (612) However; he then begins to talk about the grammatical and rhetorical features that are being displayed in AAVE. Followed by this is the other things that he discusses that relates to AAVE being used in many ways "Another category of fairly unshocking AAVE use is in the stylistic choice of emotive, repetitive, and rhythmic expressions valued in oral communication". (605)
After the author has stated the above information, he then continues his argument on what the "pedagogical possibilities" could be. He then makes an assumption about how it can be caused by the multilingual students are always denied in a second language. Then, he focus on the lesson that teachers should learn is that even though students tend to make errors in the writings doesn't mean that it is not "nonstandard" usage in writing, but its a choice they make that is identified as a "culture and ideological consideration". Teachers make judgement on the students that applies this in their writings instead of the teachers looking at this as "creativity" and "unique meanings".
After summarizing this article about Canagajarah making his argument, I will state a reason in why this main article can be very helpful in paper 3. This paper will help me construct my argument, because it has the information I need to talk about how AAVE has changed over the years and is not recongnized until this decade. I will then use Canagarajah main point about how AAVE has been acknowledge in academic writings today.
"Even if it takes more time for AAVE to gain a legitimate place of its own in academic writing, one dosen’t have to wait indefinitely as Elbow’s approach would make us assume"(608).
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Developing Work 3A
In the passage, Nembhard talks about how she believes that having confidence within the students ability to become better writers is where the change begins. In my opinion, without the students having that motivation and drive that the teachers provide there wouldn't be a good out look in changing one's credentials in writing. When the teachers give out a writing prompt there should be a classroom discussion on the individual papers. When this is occurred it gives the students the opportunity to ask questions about the confusions of the paper. Also, having the students write pieces of their writings in class is expected from the teachers. " As students' writing matures, serving as guide and reference source" ( 438). When the paper is being revised the teacher should provide one on one conferences with the students. Not only this should be provided but "outside-of-class support" which would be tutoring on their writing skills.
Nembhard have discovered that teachers don't grade Black Dialect students appropriately when it comes down to their individual papers. When the teachers are analyzing the writings they find diminutive mistakes and label them as " surface errors". She want the teachers to give students the grade they deserve and not to be afraid of giving them failing grades. When the teachers point out the mistakes they have made the students will be acknowledge by the fact that they are doing something wrong and it should be corrected to become a better writer. "Rationalizing students' deficiencies and giving them undeserved passing grades is not the way to help them become better writers" (438).
In the reading, Nembhard talks about how she doesn't believe that AAVE should be used in classroom settings and in papers that are writen in the wirting classes. This is what makes things more understandable and not complicated. Standard English is a language that should be used and would be beneficial in any location and especially in the future. What she is trying to accomplish throughout her argument is that AAVE should only be used in certain environment, but not in classrooms. Even though this is her statement that she believe should occur unto this day AAVE is still being used in classrooms. This doesn't mean that one should change their standard dialect, but to make room for "Bidialectalism". Bidialectalism allows the students to obtain their main dialect, but to enhance a second language in standard English. According to James Sledd, a linguist that dosen't agree with this quotes it is, "direct attack on minority language". To sum it up, what I thought about the strategies that Nembhard wrote to improve Black Dialect speakers to write in standard English was very interesting. My reason for this becuase I think if teachers and students take heat to this I believe all students will be able to not only talk in AAVE, but most importantly write in standard English. These methods were quite interesting under one circumstances I really don't understand how students can get tutored on their writing skills. If this stategy have been helpful I would like to put this into action for my personal needs.
Monday, March 2, 2009
IAR on Paper 2
Taking Black Technology Use Seriously: African American Discursive Traditions in the Digital Underground by, Adam Banks
What is invetion?
- completing many researches
- researching scholars
- analyzing information
- summarizing reading
- discovering an argument
- knowing what AAVE is
- having research on AAVE
- how AAVE is being used in digital spaces
What is being invented?
- How AAVE can be used on websites and not others
- The backgrounds of African Americans being represented in a better manner
- AAVE and Standard English not the same
What is being arranged?
- the "underground"
- Online information having responses
- different rhetoric features
- internet being arranged to different things
What is being revised?
- How AAVE is percieved online
- how AAVE is changing many
What is being revised?
- quoting linguist writers
- work cited